Pre-Amp for Class D Amp

My brother use a pair Bel Canto 1000M(500W@8 ohm) class D power amp to drive a pair B&W 802D speakers. He is happy with the 1000M. The pre-amp is a Bel Canto Pre3VB. He want to improve sound. Is there any suggestion a better pre-amp to match 1000M? Thanks.
Any quality tube preamp would be an improvement. I like VAC and Manley but that doesn't mean you have to. There are lots of single ended choices, but if you want true balanced the heard thins down.
I have a Calypso tube preamp with low noise Mullard 70’s input tubes and Amperex Orange Globe output tubes. It sounds sublime with the RCA connections in the low gain mode with my NCore class D amps.
