FM Acoustics fm155 preamp

The fm155 is the cheapest FM acoustics preamp and if hunted for, can be found for about $5k in the pre-owned market. The question is, is this entry level FM preamp worth considering ? Sometimes these big brands compromise too much in their entry level products ultimately leaving a lot to be desired. Hence my question on this entry level FM preamp.

Kindly advise.
Thanks, Bvdiman. The FM cables are very neutral like the FM equipment. Which i why I suspect they are such a good match. They do not really act as tone controls like some competing products.
Hey thanks guys. Yes I have been listening to music through FM Acoustics F10 for the last couple of days. Even though I bought it pre-owned it still seems to have improved after some further listening. Initially I felt my Wavac 300B SET has higher resolution, a bit more speed, a bit more crispy transients and in all fairness I felt it should be the case because the Wavac and Lamm preamp are a good match whereas the FM + Lamm is just an average match. After putting some playing time on FM the gap has been reduced to a single line. Today morning when I swapped the amps I could not point a finger at the FM compared to Wavac. They are crazily alike sounding even though one is a 300B SET and other is a SS push-pull. If one is not in the listening room or not listening very carefully it is difficult to tell when the amp switched!

However, if one has lived or experienced SETs extensively he will know that SETs have a special way of presenting music which is exclusive to SET club. The sound is very direct, coherent, rich and present almost like "they are here". This happens with all kinds of music. Whereas push-pull designs sound more laidback, relaxed, deep and wide, more space between instruments (which also sometimes feels less coherent), it is almost like "you are there". That differentiation still remains between Wavac and FM. If one is habituated with one kind, the other kind will feel like a cultural change. Difficult to accept at once. Will need some unlearning and readjusting of expectations to fully appreciate the new sound.

I am doing just that. I am listening to FM althroughout. Wavac will come in only once in a few days just to for a quality check.

My preamp selection in the mean time will be tedious i guess. I am on a budget at this time. May be $5-6k max. I am thinking of tube preamps with low output impedance. Something like Einstein audio "The Tube" or Symphonic Line "Die Erleuchtung". Lamm preamps generally have a higher output impedance else that could have been a great alternative too.
Following your various posts and threads for some time now. It's hard for
me to get a feel for what you want musically speaking. The Wavac/ Lamm
seemed an ideal choice for " natural" sound. Perhaps your
Tannoy speakers dictate another direction (not sure as you seemed very
happy with the Wavac SET presentation). FM Acoustics is a different sound
(based on my experience) but it just may be what you're seeking all along.
Ultimately we choose what suits us best and keeps us happy. If the FM
Acoustics meet this objective for you then congratulations and enjoy them
for many years. They could simply mate better with your speakers.

We're all different, that's for certain. In your position I'd have kept the
Lamm and Wavac and found a more compatible efficient speaker. My
decision isn't superior to yours, just different objectives based on our
individual taste. I don't personally believe that we have to accept or get use

to a different sound in the sense of "retraining" our ears, they sound different for a reason. Eventually listeners
discover what type of sound character they're most satisfied with. If you say

the two amplifiers sound very similar in your system I obviously accept that as what you
hear. That wasn't my impression when I've heard FM Acoustics in the past by
any means compared to a SET (very distinct contrast). I believe that a matching FM preamp would be the choice to
optimize the full potential of your amplifier.
Best regards,
I did lots of SETs on Tannoys and ProAcs in the past and know full well their capabilities. Even older recorded jazz on digital sounded mesmerizing.. As well portrayal of acoustical instruments, magical--almost eerily so in their own unique ways of sculpting natural/organic true to life 3D-holographic images--each having its own individual living spaces--great palpability. Yes, the likes of Louis, Ella, Nina to Shirley Horn, Carol Sloane then literally came alive well spotlighted in room during listening sessions--most times, their presence, spooky real!

During that period, circa early '90s, only the FMA 611 managed to slowly lure me away from that SET magic sound--hence kept it for 21yrs+ as my constant go-to/reference amp where many others (SS and tubes) come and go. To me, while they don't lure you to any particular magical areas (to me, midrange stood out for SETs), but rather spread its magic more evenly and balancely throughout entire spectrums.. Ie.Although ultimately missing by a hair bit that SET midrange goodness, they 'overall' portrayed the more natural and complete package, IMHO.

In fact, I found the FMA Resolution Series midrange (vocal, piano etc) to be much akin to SETs/OTLs amp in that they presented them in a more direct/realistic manner than most P/P tube amps I've had/owned.. With better bass and highs to boot.

Anyway, agree when talking audio, there will be endless debate concerning individual choices and I fully acknowledged that there are quite a few great alternates to 'getting-there'.. ;) I'm sure Pani with his vast experiences will finally be able to find what's best suiting him--music/taste/preferences.. Goodluck, whatever it may be, either routes you are currently contemplating seem to be excellent matured ones.
I agree with your sentiments and perspectives. What's ideal for you may not be for me and the converse is true. I can't speak to the state of SET amplifiers in the 1990s. I can say that today there are excellent choices available with very appropriate matching speakers to choose from. One can enjoy top to bottom frequency performance and isn't limited to just a superb midrange. If the FM products have been the most satisfying in your home then there's no reason for you to look elsewhere. I'm glad you've reached your desired audio fulfillment and hope that Pani will obtain equal sucess with them as you have.