Does hybrid amp really has the best of both world?

I have solid state, tube and hybrid. I still prefer the tube sound.

Hybrid amps always uses the phrase "best of both world" in their advertisement. Seems like they are missing the worse of both world in it too. Otherwise, hybrid will sound superior. Right?
I had a hybrid amp for a while but also prefer tubes. More transparency and that special thing that 300b tubes do.
I prefer hybrid amps, (and preamps), myself.

(However, that is not to say that there are not excellent units using either tubes or solid state, as there are a fair number of them out there. However my friend and I have done a fair number of shoot outs and the hybrid amps, (that we use), always came out on top. Admittedly there have been some other amps that were as good, but with different strengths and weaknesses.)

IMHO, hybrid amps come into their own when they're used in high power situations, where normally solid state amps tend to be the norm. (In low power situations I agree that tube amps are the way to go.). Hybrid amps will give you a nice touch of tube sound, without having a large number of tubes that need replacing, nor will they generate as much heat. Hybrid preamps are similarly used to avoid the use of (lots of) expensive NOS tubes, as they tend to use much fewer tubes, which need to be of the low noise variety.

FYI: I base my opinions on the use of my 200 wpc Lamm M2.1 monoblock amps, as well as my VTL TL 6.5 preamp, both of which perform splendidly in my system.

My two cents worth.
I had Counterpoint SA-220 hybrid amp, SA-2000 hybrid preamp almost 25 years ago. The preamp had a solid state power supply versus full tube rectification. This set up sounded way more tubey than other full tube setups I tried after Counterpoint. The SA-220 had plenty of power. Very musical, holographic, but bass control was just OK. Not the most detailed either. Amp also ran quite hot too!!!
Always wanted to try a Butler or Moscode but have not as of yet.
I also like tubes in the circuit and found a happy compromise with a tube preamp, tube cd player, and solid state amplification. Amps run fairly cool - and no more costly output tubes. Given how audio has evolved over the past 25 years we finally have numerous choices of solid state amps that are musical, pair well with tube preamps, and do not cost a fortune.