Does hybrid amp really has the best of both world?

I have solid state, tube and hybrid. I still prefer the tube sound.

Hybrid amps always uses the phrase "best of both world" in their advertisement. Seems like they are missing the worse of both world in it too. Otherwise, hybrid will sound superior. Right?
Often combines the worst of both worlds, highly variable, I think PdspecL is right.
If you value the unique aspects of each technology, then the answer might well be yes.

Otherwise, probably not.

No doubt there is some overhead associated with use of tubes, especially in a higher power amp, so a hybrid can be a nice solution.

Overall system synergy is still the most important thing. If that is off, all bets are off as well.
I've owned two hybrids (a Consonance integrated and a Van Alstine power amp). While I can't say they were better than non-hybrids (I have not heard enough different ones to judge), they did provide some tube sonics, which I prefer. So all they did for me was make me search out all tube gear. At this point in my experience and anemic bank account, all tube is the only way to go.
If you have an anemic bank account tubes are the last thing you need.
Good tubes can cost you more than the amp in no time.