Counterpoint, Modwright, Aesthetix sound?

Hello folks,

How does the Counterpoint SA-5.1 perform in comparisson with the Aesthetix Calypso and Modwright 9.0 SWL Se?

I believe the Counterpoint 5.1 may still be the top?

I am currently listening to the Quicksilver, (great preamp BTW), the Marsh b2000, also great, the Marantz AV8003, and Calypso. Recently auditioned ARC Ref 5 and 10, with my amp, and preferred the Calypso. The ARC preamps were superb, just a little less fleshed out. But, better separated and layered stage. Hard to fault, just taste preference. I also compared with the latest VTL, good but balanced a little warm...a beautiful warm though. Must match with your amp and cables.
The Calypso is just magical. Forgiving, yet revealing and accurate. A real keeper.
If you guys are in the New Jersey area send me a message. You can come by and hear different items that I make and repair. If you can find a Counterpoint SA-2000 cheap I can take it to another level for $500. I am thinking about producing a preamp based on this overall design.
Forgot to add Jafox The 5.x was/is a phenomenal product way ahead of its time….I suspect because of it's tube rectified power supply. This what I do to the SA-2000 preamp only better. It filters out the AC noise, provides a black background so you can really hear the dynamic contrasts better and way musical tubeish sounding but no smearing of the sound.