Audio Research D70 mark1 + schematic

Hallo ! I´m trying to repair a D70 from 1983 . It has a 6DJ8
which determine the "workingpoint" for itself and the following two 6FQ7 tubes for each channel . This poweramp has no solid state parts and the cathodes of the 6DJ8 have two 1,5k resistors connected to each cathode ...... not 110 ohm and 511 ohm as mark 2 . I would very much like to find a schematic for this version of the D70 . ( The two 6FQ7 tube
in each channel have just two 6K powerresistors from their cathodes to earth ...... no other resistors as in version mark2 ) Regards Stewen
I wasn't inferring Audio Research service isn't good, just that I doubt they would "give" you a schematic. They may be more than willing to sell you one, if they have it. I assumed Stewen1 was looking for a quick and easy freebie, so that's why I made the comment. Since the dawn of (Audio Research) time the only way to contact them was on the phone or snail mail, no e-mail, let alone downloads. I hadn't been to the Audio Research website in a while, I normally go direct to ARCDB since there is more information there, but I took a look just now and was surprised to see they now offer downloads of manuals. Welcome to the 00's Audio Research! (I'm being facetious). For Stewen1, the bad news is the D-70 is not included.
Thanks for Your answers ! Well , I might manage to fix this amp without a schematic .... the MK 2 schematic is a good help
even if it differs some from this amp , many values are the same. I have soldered a 3K resistor in parallell with each
trimpot to slow it down and make it less sensitive. Now , with
new NOS Siemens E88CC its very easy to set those +90VDC .
Tomorrow I´ll put in the new 6550 Tungsol reissue powertubes
and set the current to 60 mA or so . I have some problem to
order new 800-1000uF/450V caps from Mouser . And that 530uF/150 V cap too . Another question : is it silly to
spray a trimpot with oxidecleaner ? Or/and contact protect ?
Stewen 1, do post again once you have had a chance to listen to the amp. I will be VERY interested to hear your thoughts.
IMO, this amp is one of the very best low power amps that ARC made and is still HIGHLY competitive with the latest offerings.
Well , one more difference in this amp ( being a mark1 or
mark 2 or something in the middle...? The anoderesistors for
the last 6FQ7 tubes in each channel is only 33Kohm compared to 62Kohms in the schematic I´ve found on the web..... ( a mark 2 version ). Could my D70 be a very early version ? ( but it´s
made 1983 )... ? Also the amp I have here only has one couplingcap 1 uF ( wondercap). On the schematic I have there are a 15 nF cap in parallell with the larger wonddercap.
I have a little stock of k40Y caps from Russia. Do You think it´s a good idea to add a k40Y , 15nF/630V in parallell with
the total number ( 4 ) of these 1 uF wondercaps ( each feeding a 6550 ) ? Not necessary , but it would be interesting to find a schematic on the web which is a "copy"
of "my" amp ..... Stewen