Cary SLP-98 price new?

Hay every one I have currently been dealing for a new preamp for my system upgrade. I have a CARY CAD 120s power amp and a a cary cd player. I have just recently made an offer price on a new demo model cary slp-98p with mm phono stage. The price total is $4000 all in since I have been dealing with the dealer for number of years.

So wondering is this a good price for a new one that has only used as a demo model full with warranty?

And what kind of phono cartridge should a guy get to get the best out of this preamp. In the $700-$870 range?
Polk432 I am wondering did you buy yours in the States or Canada and what year?

I live in Canada and thinking of it now the price I payed was 3800 Canadian dollars though with tax is $4000 all in. I did look at upscale audio for one but they jumped up the price to 4,750.00 plus with shipping and insurance and border tax makes it another $1000+ on top of that, plus exchange rate.

There is no dings in or scuffs on it, it's in mint shape. I did by some interconnects before I bought the preamp to match other set Kimber silver streaks with WBT ends on them. I needed a 1.5meter pair to reach my mono stand to my amp for the time being. So should get the best performance from the preamp from get go.

Also Brf and Polk432, what kind of tubes would you recommend a guy should get, gold lions?

And would the high output moving coil coil cartridge dynavector 20xH be too bright for the slp-98? It has an output of 2.8mv?
Jake, I got mine here in Fl, about 5 years ago. I'm using Genelax Gold Lion KT88's in the amp and they work just fine for me. The cart I use is a Linn Adikt 6.5mv on a Black Linn Ittock LVII. Stay away from the DV 10x5 poorly constructed. The 20xH may cost double but it'll last more than twice as long. I've used several types of Klipsch, Linn's, Cat's, Lipinski L707's, and currently have a pair of 9.9 out of 10 Wilson Witt series II that sound fantastic. I also had a Cary V12R but the 120 is nicer and runs much cooler. Good luck.
Wow! Talk about the dollar weakening! When Stereophile put out their review of the SLP-98P 10 years ago, the list price for a 98P was $3500. That's over a 70% increase in 10 years!

Nice preamp, though at $6K it will be facing some stiffer competition. Unless everyone else is also raising their prices.
Polk432 that's funny my dads looking at a used Cary V12R right now, since his old luxman integrated amp finally quite on him. Then after looking at my cad120s and not having the funds for one he wants to go tube triode class A amp. Though he needs 50watts at least to fill his living room and kitchen. Which his luxman was. And can probably get a local used v12 for $2000.

Did you find any major problems with the v12 by chance?
Or is it a great amp to keep?
Jake, the V12R is a great amp, but more of a pain to bias It needs to be in a big room or the temp will rise by seveal degrees. Mine ran hot enough to cook a hamburger. Sound is good with the SLP98P I jut prefer the CAD120. It does have richer bass. Maybe the preamps have gone up in price due to being upgraded to an F1. Check the prices @ Upscale audio.