Rogue Audio Cronus ..... new power tubes

Please take a look at my "updated system." My power tubes are approaching four years now, and I'm thinking about my next matched quad. I started with the stock Svetlana EL-34's (very nice) and then upgraded three years later to Genelex Gold Lion KT-77's (absolutely beautiful with all types of music.) I'm really happy with the GL's ..... beautiful tone, great dynamics, top to bottom balance, and just the "right balance" of tube warmth and overall clear resolution.What should I consider for my next quad ? A new set of GL KT-77's or something different ?

From reading your post I would stay with the Gold Lion power tubes, but what small tubes do you run in the Cronus? If you are running the stock tubes I'd make some changes there. Is there some attribute to your system you'd like to change? Changing the small tubes can make a huge difference.

Hi John .....
I have rolled out all the original tubes, and I think I have successfully modified the amp to give me a better overall sound of music (of course, to my ears and in my room.) With the thoughtful guidance and advice of Mark O'Brien and Nick at Rogue Audio, I swapped out the five small tubes as follows : an RCA NOS 5814 to replace the Electro-Harmonix 12AU7 gain stage tube, a pair of GE NOS Five Star 5751 "goldpins" to replace the Sovtek 12AX7 input tubes, and a pair of GE NOS 12AU7A's to replace the Electro-Harmonix 12AU7 driver tubes. I then replaced the original Svetlana EL-34's with a wonderfully matched quad of Genelex Gold Lion KT-77's.
And ..... I really love the sound of music now, with nothing that I want to change. So, staying with the GL's probably makes the most sense

Sounds like you got some really good guidance from Mark and Nick! Given how much you are enjoying your system staying with the Gold Lion KT-77's would make the most sense to me too.

