Valve amplifiers

I love class A sound and have recently been listening to Mastersound Compact 845. Sounds very good. Has anyone any experience of this amp in particular or any similar component?

I use Sugden at the moment and prefer the warmth of sound that it provides.

Am I buying in to trouble by going down the valve line?
I was a confirmed solid state adherent until the last few years, but my curosity finally got the best of me, which caused me to change to a more sensitive, easier to drive set of speakers.

I have been very pleasantly surprised, actually more than surprised, as music sounds the best it ever has.

My first serious tube amp was a VAC PA 35.35 push-pull amp (EL 34 output tubes), and the best amp yet, an upgraded Assemblage Audio (new and better caps and resistors, EML 300B XLS tubes) SET 300B amp.

Also tubed is my phono stage, and my line stage, you could say I've gone completely over to tubes, and, as I say, music sounds better than ever. I do, though, have an SS class A amp for back-up and change-of-pace duties.

I have been happy with how reliable these tube-based components have been, so I for one, won't be warning you off. Just enjoy your listening!

I have a pair of roland model six monoblocks that drive a pair of usher rw729's. My tube amps are audiovalve challenger 180 monoblocks that lets me run 6550's,kt88's and el34's. I have not tried the el34 as of yet;not to sure which one to roll into the amp;I drive soundlab m2's at time being but bought brodmann vc-2 several months ago that were being sold here and I am waiting until the replacement soundboard that federal express damaged during shipping to arrive.
I don't see a problem with moving down a products line as well;enjoy!!
You have to trust what you hear and your spontaneous reactions. No surprise that you'd be very much attracted to a good SET amplifier. They make beautiful and natural sounding music (isn't that what you want?). My SET is ultra simple to maintain and utterly reliable. With appropriate speakers all music genres can be enjoyed.
Best of Luck,