How big a change would this upgrade make?

I'm considering some upgrades to my system, and I wanted to ask if it will make a really transformational difference, or if it will be only a marginal step up. Not that I am unhappy with the sound of my setup, but like so many of us, I'm always looking for more if I can get it.

Right now, I have Joseph Audio Pulsar speakers, with computer audio as my source.

Suppose I made these upgrades (my current components on the left, new ones on the right):

Preamp: Arc LS26 --> ARC Ref 5SE
Amp: Pass XA30.5 --> ARC Ref 75
DAC: PS Audio MKii --> PS Audio DirectStream

At the not-small cost of ~$11k, would this upgrade chain be like night-and-day relative to my current stuff, or something much smaller?

Maybe one more question: if you could only make one of these upgrades, which would it be?
I have a PS Audio Premiere Power Plant and replaced all the power cords with their cords. That made a wonderful improvement, not too subtile and very satisfying. I have vibration dampers under every component, and I could hear the improvement with each one! I also use a Qol, and I really love it. So, here are some more ways to play with sound...enjoy!
Depends on what you are looking for or feel you are missing. Most of what you are listing is the same old same old. The components are better in some ways but until you move on to understanding how a design makes the sound you will never get there.