Amp improvement since 1994?

How much real improvement in top level amps. Where have the gains been?
I don't call it an improvement one day maybe when technology has let them get to use switching frequencies 10 x higher than now, but class D is the only real new technology I can recall.

Everything tube or transistor although bigger, heavier, and better built these days, can date it's base circuitry back to the 1940's 60's and 70's things like Williamson tube designs, and same goes for SS.

Cheers George
Thanks for the explanation Mitch! You had me scratching my head for a minute there. LOL!!
I am in the camp that the transformers on the tube amps from the 50's & 60's improve their sweetness with age and the new gear especially SS & class D proably won't have that advantage.
I don't call it an improvement one day maybe when technology has let them get to use switching frequencies 10 x higher than now, but class D is the only real new technology I can recall.

Everything tube or transistor although bigger, heavier, and better built these days, can date it's base circuitry back to the 1940's 60's and 70's things like Williamson tube designs, and same goes for SS.

Cheers George

Even class D technology dates back to the late 50s. Although as far as real sonic improvements, those may be dated after 94.
Of course the 1994 amps sound better - they've had 20 years of break-in. Just wait until they've been in service for 50 years. They will be so broken in they will be better than a live performance.