Pass Aleph P vs BAT VK20? Have VK60 and Aleph 0...

Looking to purchase either the Pass Aleph P preamp or the BAT vk20(solid state) I have both the Pass Aleph 0s and BAT VK60 tube amp. Which would work best with both??
I would go with the Aleph P. I used that preamp (non remote version) with a Pass Aleph 3 for many years and enjoyed the pair.
I just had an opportunity to purchase a Pass Aleph P and a BAT VK20, each very reasonably priced so I bought both! ($1600 total investment) I also have the option to return either one if
not 100% satisfied! I'll beable to do some real world a/b testing in my own listening room which will allow me to make the best choice for my system. I'll post my results but heck, for $1600 respectively, I may end up keeping both anyway!!
I owned an Aleph P, version with remote. I found it very clean but lacking in dynamics- a softer sort of sound.

That said, I now have a Pass INT-150 which I like and I own a Pass X15 phono pre which I also think is very good.

But for me, on the P, I'd pass

Excellent opportunity for you to listen in your own environment to both the Pass and BAT :-)
Go with the Aleph P. The Aleph0s has a 10k input impedance and the BAT cannot drive it properly unless you change the output caps. I have used both an Aleph P and a BAT VK30 with my Aleph 0s. You should also consider the Pass X2.5