phase control on BAT VK pre amps

Does the phase control on the BAT series preamps have any appreciable or detrimental effects on music that is not recorded out of phase? I don't hear any difference with phase light on or off?? Anyone experience different effect?? Also, is it better to put pre in standby mode when not in use or leave on constantly? What's the difference??
It took me years to finally hear it with any consistency. To me, it sounds like a timing issue. Either way, the difference was fairly small.
If there is little to no difference using the phase switch it
simply means your overall resolution-coming via your entire
system through your speakers-is not as refined as it should-and
can-be. Power cords, i/c's and speaker cables are all vital
(though many feel they aren't)
A power conditioner or 2 may (pre & digital source)
be the best place to start experimenting; but poor power cords
can make a significant difference! Try out some excellent power
cords on your source, pre and amp. It's hard to guess which
will benefit most; relates to each units self isolation and
power supplies. I find the MIT Oracle AClll-a non networked
powercord extremely good in my reference Spectral system-a vast
improvement over anything stock. Have you bought a $15 polarity
tester to check your electrical outlets? I wired incorrectly
negatively affects the clarity of your whole system. JFRECH,
looking at the amazing ROCKPORT speakers you own you should
hear the difference very clearly. It's all about resolution and
your speakers are like Ferrari's(and no, I've never even seen
them-and don't need to-but hope to hear them someday). Zd,
you're right; it's all about timing; and it may be said that to
most the difference may be small,inconsequential. I've had
guitarist friends who wouldn't notice anything out of place
with their gear unless it was an utterly annoying hum or
feedback issue. Polarity? Phase? Neither would never bother
them. They're in a loud environment where the set up is
virtually guaranteed to be never perfect. Ah, but for us, we
have our quiet room, comfy seat and time to listen! Cheers.
To summarize the reality of correct phase. When your system is tuned up and more/fully revealing playing in "reverse" phase to the way it was recorded simply sounds slow,dull,boring. In correct phase -gives the goosebumbs music is famous for. ;-). Would someone kindly turn out the lights? Ahhh
"09-26-14: Jfrech
Hi, I used to have a BAT VK51SE. And I did use the phase control. I could hear it on some recordings. Especially in the tightness of the bass and openness of the soundstage. A lot of times it was just hard to tell..."

I don't know if you guys are aware of this, but with regards to absolute phase like we are talking about here, not all recordings are made the same way. About 50% are recorded in phase, and the other 50% are not. That means, regardless of what equipment you have, phase button or not, half the recording you listen to will be in phase. This is not an easy thing to here even with the best equipment. I don't know, or have heard of anyone who could reliably tell the difference between the 2 settings even when they can hear a difference. Myself included.
PTSS, that was 10 years ago when I had the BAT's not a current statement...