which preamp

thinking of buying a tube preamp,have it down to,
AUDIO HORIZONS balanced with full mods or TRL DUDE balanced I only play CDs with PS AUDIO new DSD , DSD direct to wyred4s SX1000 monos, dose anyone have these preamps and what are your opinions ? which way to go !!!!
I have a fully balanced TRL Dude and am extremely happy with it. Paul Weitzel is a telephone call away (like last night, Sunday) if you have a problem/question. I have had some great preamps: ML 32, Atma-Sphere MP-1, Aesthetix Calypso, EAR 868, C-J 14, 16 LS and so far it is my favorite, just because it does everything so well. Havent heard the Audio Horizons, though.

I have an Atma-Sphere S-30. My DS DAC arrives tomorrow.


You're right about stock tubes, alas.
SABAI, let me know what you think about the PS DSD, AND WHICH AUDIO HORIZONS preamp do you have and what tubes do you like are you going to run the ps DSD balanced,mine is direct to monos balanced

Bear in mind the PS DS DAC requires at least 50 hrs of burn in to begin sounding like it will, and 100 to reach orime state. I think you will find it a breathtaking experience.

I have my PS-DSD from the second week of production and it has been sounding better an better, also they PS AUDIO has upgraded the firm ware 2 times, FOR FREE, just put a SD card in you PC AND DOWN LOAD FROM THEIR FORUM, WHAT OTHER COMPANY GIVES YOU UPGRADES FOR FREE