Pre + Amplifier Recommendation

Hello All,

First let me say I have spent countless hours researching what may or may not be the right combo for me and my listening preferences - the reality is that there are so many options I am likely more confused now than before, though not from a lack of effort.

So, I have Dali Helicon 400's and listen primarily to rock / folk indie primarily, but do listen to most genres. I have a Cary SLI-80 with upgraded tubes and it sounds great, but lacks a bit of power when i want to turn it up and i am wondering if in addition to increased power i could move up the food chain a bit and get something even better, so long as better is not in the five digits.

I prefer tube sound to any solid state I've owned or heard to date, and my primary concern is being engaged in the music not hearing every last detail, thought that is neat as well.

Was thinking maybe a set of used Cary 805AE units, but fear they may not have enough power. VAC ? BAT ? Quicksilver ? Coincident ?

Or should I start over with new speakers as well? Daedalus Argos look pretty cool and are seemingly more efficient, may open up the options on amplification?

Look forward to your suggestions and thanks in advance.
How do listen to one tube when there are 8 of them ?

NO test on a tube tester that will give you a clue?
Turning a tube pre on and off all day switching tubes has got to be hard on your pre and amp.

I completly understand the comments of using my own ears, and appreciate how something like audio can bring about two completely polar opposite opinions on the same subject since this is such a qualitative hobby. That said I value the opinions of those who have been down the road before in hopes of saving me a few miles of detours on my path.

Appreciate the responses guys.

Maybe speakers will be the next move...
If changing speakers is on your radar now or in the near future -- and it appears it is -- just do that first. You know why. Best of luck.
Adding a powered sub or two might be the most practical ticket you need to get more out of what you already have.
Schubert, you might check with the manufacturer to see if removing and installing tubes while the unit is on is a problem. With our preamps, as long as you take certain precautions, its easily done. But I can imagine not all preamps are like that.

But listening to tubes is the best way to grade them, however tedious.

You might also check with the manufacturer to see if there are particular tubes that contribute more to noise. You may not have to be swapping all 8 of them to sort it out!