Sound issues

Here is my current set up. Marantz AV7701, Mac MC205, Oppo 103, PS3, SF Liuto towers, SF Liuto Smart center, SF Toys Monitors (on order), Audioquest GBC speaker wires. The bass is there, but the center seems to be over powered by the towers and missing the highs and mids from the towers. In fact it sounds worse than the set up at the store running a Arcam AV. I have a old Monster surge protector, could that be it? Is it the speaker cables? I'm just at a lost, opinions, thoughts?
Did you get your problem solved? If not, try DSpeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 room correction for the front two speakers (connect between the amp and preamp) and then run the AV7701 Audyssey on top of that. I use the DSpeaker in this configuration with a McIntosh amp and the Marantz AV7701. The DSpeaker took a 12db, 120hz "bump" out of my room. I had been listening to "mush" for 18 years and didn't know it.
Thank you, the issue has been resolved, replaced the Marantz with the Yamaha CXA5000, replaced the front speakers with SF Cremonas and replaced the surge protector with a Furman.