subwoofer suggestions

Looking for sub with balance between tuneful bass for music and deep bass for movies to be 0.1 part of Monitor Audio Apex 5.1 speaker system. Front speakers go down into low 50Hz while rears go down to mid 60s. Room is 8' high x 18' wide x 12' deep, is reasonably well treated, but size will limit the longest waves. While there is no point in overloading room with a giant box and driver, pressure and speed with good tone are all desirable assets. Upper budget is about $1500, but I will consider more budget conscious options.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions,

Ag insider logo xs@2xknownothing
Thanks for the input and the references Bob. I am leaning towards two SB12-NSD's or more likelyone Rythmik F12 (for now). The Rythmik cost a little more per box, but has more flexibility in adjusting sound for the room. Both review and measure very well. I would like to avoid having two boxes if possible, and if I can compensate for room nodes with the Rythmik settings, then I would be very happy. If not, then I would likely add another 12" Rythmik.

On the a40, perhaps that is why they elected to use a 2.5 way crossover arrangement, although that won't completely compensate. A guess anyway.

One last note, I fired up the little Klipsch in the room with some borrowed speakers as the Apex's haven't arrived yet. Although it still works to spec, I don't think it will add more value in this set up in this room. Its going on the market.

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Ok, I ordered two SVS SB 1000 subs. Rythmik is out of the driver and finish I wanted. Also, trying my existing sub in the room indicated serious bass drop out in certain spots so I decided to go with the dual subs.

Since this string was started, SVS replaced the 12-NSD with the new SB 2000, but the new model only comes in vinyl finish. I opted for the slightly smaller and less powerful SB 1000 in the gloss finish. The 1000's also have high level inputs for added flexibility which I find appealing. While the 1000's go down to a claimed 25 Hz, SVS claims the new SB 2000 goes down to 19 Hz. Would prefer the added oomph of the slightly bigger sub but I am a slave to aesthetics as well as sound quality. If the twin 1000's don't cut it in my room, I will go back to the drawing board. kn
Please let us know what you think once you've gottem hooked up n burned/dialed in. Congrats.