Budget Power Amp and Subwoofer Suggestions

Hi- I'm looking for some ideas for a fairly modest HT power either in the form of a 3 channel and separate 2 for surround or all 5 channels in one. I also am looking for an appropriate subwoofer. I'm planning on buying either a Marantz or NAD preamp new/ year old. I will consider both new and used amps, plan on spending between $1200 and $1500. I will be driving B&W CM series 1st gen (CM-4, CM-2, CMC) in a 17'x16' family room with a 103" projector. The system will be used for everything from everyday TV to movies, sports, and a little bit of gaming and rarely for Blu-Ray audio or SACD (most of my music is on a 2 channel system in my living room). Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Emotiva would be ideal in that price range for an amp and PSA,SVS or HSU for sub choices!
Get this 5 channel Parasound 5250 and call it a day.

I think the BluRay audio requirement is going to add cost. If you need BR audio, I think you will want a HD receiver. (In most cases, a preamp and separate amps will cost more than a receiver.) However, if 5.1 will be sufficient, then I think you should be able to come in well under your budget. From what I've read about your speakers, you will need a solid amp section in your receiver.

There is a NAD T755 for sale on Audiogon right now for just less than $500. It has HDMI but isn't an HD receiver. It outputs 5 X 80 WPC in surround or 2 X 110 WPC in stereo. It also comes with the Audyssey set up feature which is rather handy. I'm not associated with the seller at all; I just own and use an identical receiver. I think it should meet your needs.

Also, I received an email from SVS this morning. Two of their sub models are on sale right now for $599 each, the SB12-NSD and the PB12-NSD. I think the price/performance combination on these subs is hard to beat.
I have read a lot of debate between the Parasound and Emotiva. Do you know anything about the reliability of the Parasound over the long term? I plan on keeping my amp and speakers for a very long time (pre-amp, source, and projector will get swapped out with upgrades in technology). I'm a little hesitant to pay $500 more for a used Parasound when I can get a five year warranty on the Emotiva.
Patrick, let me throw another choice out there. Adcom 5006/6006. Six channel amp. A very strong 50w per ch. I own the 2-ch. version, the 5002, and I think it's an awesome bipolar amp. I prefer this over my MOSFET Rotel RB-951. Hard to find but it could cost you a song...