Jazz lovers. Any Dizzy Gillespie recommendations?

I'm relatively new to jazz and just bought Dizzy Gillespie's 'Something Old Something New' by chance. Man, this album really smokes. Anyone can help me recommend some definitive Dizzy Gillespie albums, the best 3 to 5 I can get, which are reasonably recorded. Or any other jazz artist that is similar? I've refered to allmusic.com for some help but frankly have been stupified by the sheer number of recommendations. Thanks.
there is a verve reissue (I have it on vinyl) with Dizzy and Ben Webster. It's my favorite Diz of all time. Check out the cut "Siboney."

For a nice introduction and overview, I recommend the Ken Burns' "best of." Many of those are top drawer. You can branch out from there.
"Birks Works" is a two-CD set of his work in larger bands. Reasonably well recorded and great performances.