KEF LS 50 in NE Ohio?

There is only one KEF LS50 dealer in town and they don't stock them. Anyone living near Cleveland own a pair? Would really like to hear them (but don't want to experiment by purchasing and then having to resell).

Also, curious if you think I'm nuts for considering selling my Thiel 3.6s to finance a pair of LS50s. I know I'm going to lose bottom end, but I am sort of itching to try a set of small monitors and can always add a sub later. Room is a 22 x 15 rectangle. Speakers are about 4' out from the back wall and around 2.5' from the side walls; maybe seven feet apart, and I sit around 7' away.

Associated gear = Parasound A21 amp, ARC SP16 preamp, Mac Mini feeding Behringer DEQ2496 DAC (am upgrading that when I can afford to). Thanks in advance for your input.

I would say you are border line psycho to do that.
KEF has always been a favorite of mine,but LS 50 is VERY in your face forward IMHO. A rocker period.
Must be a reason dealer isn't stocking such a rave review item.
A room sized like yours wants a floor stander, like you already have. On the other hand, a room sized like mine (10 x 9) wants a small stand-mount. Keep what you have.
I have a room sized like yours and the LS50 has stolen my heart, at least for the moment. Just do it.
LOL--I can't recall ever posting a "what would you do?" question that didn't elicit an almost equal number of "do it" and "don't do it" responses. That's why I want to hear a pair. Anyway, thanks for the input so far.