KEF LS 50 in NE Ohio?

There is only one KEF LS50 dealer in town and they don't stock them. Anyone living near Cleveland own a pair? Would really like to hear them (but don't want to experiment by purchasing and then having to resell).

Also, curious if you think I'm nuts for considering selling my Thiel 3.6s to finance a pair of LS50s. I know I'm going to lose bottom end, but I am sort of itching to try a set of small monitors and can always add a sub later. Room is a 22 x 15 rectangle. Speakers are about 4' out from the back wall and around 2.5' from the side walls; maybe seven feet apart, and I sit around 7' away.

Associated gear = Parasound A21 amp, ARC SP16 preamp, Mac Mini feeding Behringer DEQ2496 DAC (am upgrading that when I can afford to). Thanks in advance for your input.

It was great to be able to hear the LS50's at Mapman's place. I was most surprised by how poor they did in a large space; even with a fairly powerful amp and the Dynaudios clearly sounded better in every respect. I always suspected that the LS50's performance in my smaller room was being limited by the size of that room, but now I'm not so sure. As soon as we moved the speakers out of his larger room and into something more my size, the performance improved. Besides really enjoying the Ohms that I heard, I also gained a newfound respect for Dynaudios which I'd never heard before either. Nice sounds!
Seikosha, my amp before current Bel Cantos was 120 w/ch Musical Fidelity A3CR. Big sound difference between the two on my OHMs and with Dynaudios to a lesser extent. I wonder what the KEFs would sound like in your room with a good 250w/ch or higher Class D or comparable amp? I bet it would make a difference more towards what we heard with KEFs in my 12X12 sunroom off teh 500 w/ch BC Class D amps. Somewhat more towards what you get with your high eff. full range speakers and tube amp, FWIW.
Thanks, Milpai--Cleveland Plasma can order them but they do not stock them. Too bad.