Speaker input, which one, Magico, Avalon, Yg, Rock

Tough decision, Have recently updated all my Spectral with all the latest Spectral, 400 Dma, 4000sl, 30ss11. I currently have Avalon Edilons, 2002 purchased. I like the sound but am looking for a better bass. I like music not over detailed or bright, I need to hear before I purchase, but will never hear all of the above in one place. I would appreciate input as they relate to Spectral . I am considering, Magico q30, Avalon compas, Yg KIpod 11passive, and Rockport Atria. All are excellent speakers, but which is the most musical and fits my 15 by 18 by 10 ft room. Thanks. , I also like the soundstage I now have
Have not heard the YGs with your electronics. But have heard them with many, many others. Auditioned speakers from most in there price ranges and bought the Carmels, and now own the Kipod II signatures (active). Use them in a 14 x 19 x 8 foot room. Zero regrets on either pair of YGs I have owned.
Open, with wide/deep soundstage, and very good imaging, without being harsh is a good way to describe them.
Tom, thanks for the input. I definitely want to hear the Kipod II signatures passive.. One of the things I like so much about my Edilons is the wide sound stage and very nice mids and highs. They are very musical, not harsh. If I can get a tighter and lower bass and even better mids etc and great soundstage then that is what I am looking for.
There are many people that go ga ga over the Magico, I am not one of them (dry and brittle to my ears), but many do. However musicality is not the usual reason given and IMHO, for musicality, the Rockport wins hands down.

The same with YG's - some go ga ga over them but musicality is not the usual reason given.

I agree with Philb7777 suggestion. There are fab powered subs avail. You can play around with a pair of "great" speakers forever and not attain the balance available with a single sub. Avoid inevitable added complexities. Your existing amp & speakers will continue the magic you now enjoy. Dial in your bass to virtual perfection with the tuning adjustments of a great powered sub. Get a great dedicated interconnect for the sub. Heaven awaits :). I am envious of your situation. Oh to have such a decision. (By the way trying subs is easy). Goodwins carry the JL line and should be happy for your call.
Philb7777 and Ptss
If you think a single good sub properly dialled in makes a good system great,wait till you hear a pair of seamlessly integrated subs mated to high end speakers (a pair of REL G1s in my case). It will take your system to a different level.
Happy listening