Speaker's magnetic field and pacemaker

I've never got a satisfactory answer to this question over the years. Perhaps there's someone here with experience or knowledge-

Pacemakers and strong magnetic fields don't mix. IE, no MRIs, magnetometers, etc. Do speakers with large magnets, typically in the woofer, present a practical problem for someone with either a pacemaker or an AICD?

Scientific reports suggest 15cm is adequate and safe distance. The real risk is from MRI scanning for which technically there is no safe field.

That being said, I have LPs of female artists that make my heart skip a beat, especially if staring at large album art while listening.
If yo utake out the woofer and place it hard agaist your chest: YES Very bad to do.
Otherwise no. The magnetic field from a woofer is very strong, but it is also very focused into the gap of the speaker. Most speaker magnets do not have much interaction beyond a few inches from the metal parts at all.
Noww really cheap speaker would be worse, and high quality ones better?/less errant field.
PS a speakers magnetic field does not get bigger the loouder you play it.

But some fringe types of field coil speakers DO. Thier magnet is powered, not a permanent magnet at all.. But those field coil speakers are rare, and need a LOT of extra power and stuff to make them work. they are also very expensive. And did I say rare.

So unless you are fondling the speakers all the time, I would say no issue is possible.
If you really worry, then have someone else install the speaker wires, and stay a few feet from the speakers.
This is not neccessary IMO, but to be super safe.

One way you could have a safety tool, would be to take a common boyscout compass. and magnetize the case at one point very slightly. So ony if the outer radiant field was stronger, would the needle move away from the tiny magnetized point on its edge.
It would only take the tiniest magnetic bit at the edge of the compass dial to lock the compass.. and if the needle moved, you would KNOW you are entering a stronger magnetic field.
I am suprised no one makes such a device. it would cost $5.
(But like audiophile stuff, a special MEDICAL one would cost $500 LOL)
Thank you! A bad heart ain't fun. Last year I had major surgery, took 3 months to recover, and aside from bond movies at any hour of the day, my own form of self therapy, recovery and meditation was listening to music.

I had asked manufacturers and others but never really got any definitive answers.
PM member jadem6 or write to him through his cable company Jade Audio. He has a left ventricular assist device which I imagine is also v sensitive to magnetic fields. I know he has continued to remain active designing and building i/cs and speaker cables so I imagine he knows the ins and outs of this issue.
Actually even a not treated compass could give you some idea of the magnetic field around your speakers. If the compass hardly moves when you are near your speakers, then you will know they are safe.