Ultimate Classical Speaker. Magico Q5, Rockport...


I'm considering buying a new "last" speaker (if that ever exists in this hobby). I do like all types of music but my preference is for classical music especially Classic piano plays (eg. Chopin Ballade nr.1 by Horowitz or Rubinstein is as good as it gets for me) and am looking for a speaker that is able to reproduce that as accurate as possible.

A few speaker comes to mind but they all have their limitations (haven't heard them all since that's always easy) when looking at feedback on the various forums.

- Magico Q5 (Very true to source, believe great on piano but bass hasn't got a big slam. Doubt if it can produce the intensity/large scale in a piano concert in the bass.

- Rockport Altair. Stunning in the low end but "musically" voiced. Not sure if it's true on piano?

- Any large speaker with ceramic drivers. Good on classical, but can't play them very loud and generally the ceramic driver don't give the slam a conventional woofer can do.

- Hansen bigger models??

- YG Acoustic?

I own a pair of Hansen Prince and have owed the Marten Design Coltrane in the past. Greatly like the speaker but it's not full scale. Also the tweeter isn't as refined as for instance a diamond tweeter.

Would be nice to get opinions from people here and recommendations about other speakers or the speakers mentioned above since I haven't heard them myself with classical piano.

Many thanks
I too listen to a lot of classical music, and recordings that feature/include the piano and/or harpsichord are at the forefront of my interest. I recommend you audition Verity speakers. In my experience, the only conventional multi driver speaker that I have heard that betters my Verity Amadis for piano is the considerably more expensive Vandersteen 7. Both of those speakers are excellent for all music genres.

Best Regards,
Marten Coltrane not full scale? I've owned it, and it most certainly is full scale in a reasonably sized room. Accuton diamond tweeter is standard in the Marten Coltrane, what happened to yours?
Hi Psag,

Although I enjoyed my Marten Coltrane a lot however the amount of air the speaker was moving just wasn't enough in my room. Liked the speaker a lot though (as well as design/build quality). The Coltrane has indeed a diamond tweeter which is very refined. That I meant was that I like the Hansen Prince a lot, but it's hasn't got the diamond tweeter which I enjoyed so much in my previous Coltrane.
For many classical musicians, the two halves of the equation are a) horn speakers b) driven by tube electronics. There are many good choices within those parameters. Key reasons are the dynamics, on the soft end as well as the loud; the resolution of many of the subtleties of timbre in classical music; and the efficiency of the horns means much more low level detail is retained, also very important for classical. If you are into piano music, you will also appreciate the fast transient response.