Help: WPC for my speakers

I will try to keep this short. New to the hobby and already have upgraded speakers. I now have system audio 10s. They are 88 db and have 8-4 impedance. Min power 50 watts Max 135 watts.

Currently powered by 50 watt exposure super XV. I got the bigger sound, much better clarity and much better tone accuracy with the upgrade. What I lost was the pin point accuracy/ tight bass that my smaller system audios had. I believe this is do to the lack of power I have using the exposure.

Do you all think more power will solve these problems? Second I am looking at a DK design vs1 mkll by LSA group used. This amp would be 160 wpc at 8 ohms and 320 wpc 4 ohm. Will I have to be very carefull about over powering these speaker or should I be ok with this power
Yes I agree people love or hate BW. I heard a 10000 BW floorstanders with classe amp and Pre. It really dropped me in the music but no sound stage.

How would you describe the 2010s presentation. I do think I need 100 watts to get the tight cracking bass I heard in there entry level system audio.
If you want good imaging, you need to consider the whole system. Every piece contributes to it and any one piece can wreck it for the whole system. If you are looking for an amp with good imaging, you have to look beyond power. You need power for other things like bass, for a good image you need purity. For example, SET's are consided some of the best imaging amps you can get. They definately make the least power of any type of amp. Generally speaking, if you want a good image and big stage, look for amps with low or 0 feedback, very low distortion, high quality parts with a fairly simple design and in some cases balanced operation. Some good examples of SS amps that image exceptionally well are, Ayre, Pass and BAT. They each have a different sound, but share some of the same features design wise.

In your price range, you may be able to get something like a good used Ayre AX-7. For what you're looking to do, its in a completely different league than something fron Naim or Exposure. And not just the amp portion, but the preamp portion as well. The preamp is at least as important as the amp.
From my experience, the sound signature of the 2010s2 is a lush, comfortable and hazy treble. All the details are there but are "misty." I have the amp paired with Harbeth SHL5 which has very good bass. The 2010s2 has no problem driving them to very high levels with the deepest bass I have had. But, if your speakers don't have deep, rich bass it will be tough to create it with amp selection.

I have found that all speakers are a trade off. They do some things well, others not as well. I try to enjoy each pair for what they do well and try to ignore the shortcomings.
I have to disagree about amps effect on speakers. On my old speakers the bass using a NAD 326bee was nothing like the old exposure. The exposure produced. Very tight and deep bass that imaged very well. The bass was no where near as tight and did not image very well on the NAD. Yes they are in total different leagues but I have seen an amp greatly affect bass and image.
Yes, I agree. I recently hooked up a much more powerful Classe CA-2300 to my B&W 802N and quickly learned they can put out serious bass.