New EAR Yoshina Acute CD Player?

Has anyone out there heard any word on a new EAR Acute single box CD Player to replace the current MK III? If so, any word on a release date or better yet, has a prototype been heard? Thanks

last year I had the pleasure of listening to both the Aesthetix Romulus cd player & the newest Parasound spinner.
The owner reported that both of these players trump the EAR, in fact, he will not stock the EAR anymore.

Still, I would like to demo the EAR mk III just for a comparison against the Aesthetix & Parasound.
Keep me posted on this matter- Happy Listening! -JA
Thanks Jafant. I'm curious, do you recall what your impressions of the Aesthetix Romulus were? Also, do you remember who the dealer was?

Thanks again,
