Speaker decision $3000-3500...help

I have been around auditioning speakers around the $3000-3500 mark.

I am looking for speakers that are musical, open, dynamic with a hint of warmth!
I listen to Soft Rock, Pop and some House/Dance music.
Mostly multi-track and digitally amplified stuff.

I have auditioned PSB, B&W, GoldenEar and Amphions.
I was most pleased with Amphion Helium 520s, since they are very engaging and natural sounding. Jack of all trades.

If you think there are other speakers for my preferences in the price range of 3000-3500, please guide me, i will audition them as well.

Otherwise i will pull the trigger on the Amphions and will need suggestions for Amplification for them. Budget would be $1500.

Please, any advice either on speakers or amplification would be appreciated.
06-14-14: Johnnyb53

"Has it occurred to anyone that this is a 6-1/2-month-
old thread with 47
responses with not one acknowledgement or clarification from
the OP?"

That's funny. It happens more times that I can count.

I call it "drive by" posting. My guess is that
the OP(OP's) goes to many forums and asks the same questions
and gets his/her answers elsewhere.

What can you tell us about the new Platinums and when they will come to market?
Also, what amp with the PL 200, gives you 3D?
There are more amps which can give a 3D stage with the PL-200. It depends hom much money you want to spend?

There is no information yet. They will have the same kind of new unit technique as the new silver series.

Monitor Audio Always uses better materials than others in the same price league.

Monitor Audio is founded in 1972, the year I was born :)
How about in the $5000-$10,000 range?

What do you mean by the same new unit technique as the silver series?