Harbeth sound with high wife acceptance factor?

I fell in love today with the Harbeth C7s.

Unfortunately, my wife did not.

She doesn't like speakers on stands, she doesn't like big speakers. But she did like the sound ;-)

Any suggestions for a small floorstander with Harbeth sound and better looks? We listened to the Dali Mentor 6 - the looks were great, the sounds was good, but it was just not as musical as the Harbeth.

Budget is around $3,000 - any suggestions?
Buy the Harbeth C7's, she'll adapt. My wife also has her acceptance factors, and for years I tried the best I could to stay within her guidelines. Then one day I said "screw it", I wanted something that wasn't approved, bought it, listened to her whine for a week or two, and then life moves on.

We're still married, life goes on as normal, she just finds something else to complain about. That's women....if they ain't complaining...they ain't breathing. LOL!!