New Wilson Shasha W/P Series 2

Hey Wilson Shasha W/P fans, just picked up a news blip off The Audio Beat web site that a series 2 version of the Sasha will be shipping next month. Here the link:

Well, it looks like a whole bunch of obsolete and useless Wilson Sasha series 1 speakers will be listed for sale on A'gon. Let me be the first to offer $100 for a used pair of Sasha speakers (9 out of 10) condition. Seller to pay shipping.

:) Just kidding. Hope you guys get your investment back.

While there is no hint that I'm aware of, I suspect we'll see little effort on Wilson's part to give current Sasha owners an upgrade or preferred trade in option.

Their business model may push the state of the art, but the depreciation cost to their customers is a too big a hit. Current Sasha owners have already lost half their investment. When the reviews of the Sasha 2 come out touting how much better it is, well you get the picture.

50% depreciation on a 2k item is one thing, but at Wilson prices they owe their current customers more.
@Egrady, your post is a perfect example of the neuroticism exhibited by audiophiles and perhaps played upon by certain manufacturers. Anyone who dabbles in this ridiculous hobby realizes that high-end equipment value plummets like a stone if you're buying new. Anyone who bought a Sasha should be as pleased with their purchase now as they were when they made it. The fact that a new model is out doesn't detract from what they already have - except in their minds maybe.

Those who must have the latest model of everything must pay the price. If they can afford it, great. If they can't, then live with it. Besides, anyone who buys the Sasha 2 should know there's a V3 around the corner anyway. On the + side - used Wilsons are a great buy if you like the sound.

While I don't disagree with most of what you say, you illustrate the fact that used Wilson's are a good buy. New ones are terrible. Because they seldom offer upgrade or trade in options to their old customers.

Speakers may be more difficult, but ARC came out with the Ref 5SE and offered an upgrade to Ref 5 owners. Wilson would have come out with the "Ref 6" and left Ref 5 owners to taking a bloodbath at trade in/replacement time.

I realize that high end equipment is like high end cars, a big depreciation hit comes with the territory. But there are plenty of companies that at least try and cushion the blow to their customers. Wilson, almost never.

Maybe they'll come out with an upgrade for the Sasha 1. Maybe not to a full Sasha 2 level, but as far as they can take the Sasha 1. But I'm not holding my breath.
Chayro is exactly right. When did you get an upgrade for your old Ford Galaxie? High-end audio is no different than any other commercial endeavor. Enjoy what you have.
Maybe Wilson should introduce a lease program for those who need to have the most up to date versions.