Best Speaker for classical music

I'm trying to find the best speaker between $25000 and $40000 for symphonic music. I listen to other things too but that's my reference.. Interested in Wilson, B & W, Rockport, Canton
Well you are correct but out of his price range!

If price is no object:

dc10audio L'instrument Grand Voix which was specifically designed to resolve big, fast, classical music with all its complexities and throws a sound-stage as big as the Vienna philharmonic thanks to the dual horns.

Or try the big Westlake audio loudspeakers!

I own a pair of Vienna Acoustics The Music who are great for orchestral music. They are musical with excellent transient and decay,they can go low with a reported 20 hz response. Sound staging is more than adequate.

Good luck with your search the honorable thing and divulge that you sell Scaena's. It's bush league to do otherwise.
I own a pair of Vienna Acoustics The Music who are great for orchestral music. They are musical with excellent transient and decay,they can go low with a reported 20 hz response. Sound staging is more than adequate.

Good luck with your search