Opinion on Tannoy Loudspeakers......

..... I am interested in this line of speakers. Established lineage and just was looking for opinions on their sonic attributes.... there is no US distributor and was also wondering if repair work was an issue. Looking at the DC10a in particular. Thank you in advance
I answered you on your first question on this topic, from yesterday.

1st Audiogon aphorism: "Be patient, Grasshopper. Especially the first weekend following a large audio show."
......that's the first Audiogon Aphorism ??......didn't know that one , but a better one would be - why does it take over 24 hours to post a thread ????.....and still charge you a % of your sale as a third party !
It takes over 24 hour to start a thread on Audiogon every weekend.

I heard a couple pair of Tannoy's at a local dealer a few months back. Not exactly sure of the models, but they sounded pretty damn good to me, paired with McIntosh and Pass Labs electronics. Physically they are too much speaker for me though. My room demands a sleeker design.