Totem Hawk: What changes/revisions over the years?

I'm looking at buying some used Totem Acoustic Hawks and I'm curious what changes/revisions have been made. When roughly did they happen and were they for the better or worse ? Are they using cheaper drivers in the newer versions ? Would you buy a newer or and older set ?
Thanks Czarivey. Great in depth reply. I have to say I'm relieved that the Hawks have remained the same during their production. I remember with the Model Ones and the Rainmakers they changed the tweeters and you had to see what color dot they had etc. I also have heard that for the Model Ones they are no longer using Dynaudio drivers and have a different version, some are saying a cheaper driver (is Vince feeling the pinch?) and you'd definitely have to keep that in mind when buying those used. The older Totem/ Dynaudio drivers could be tricky to get if one ever failed on you?
Now as far as what I have for an amp, I have a Musical Fidelity A308 to drive them so I should be fine in that area ? Anybody here had this combo before?
I know what you mean about them falling over. I haven't had Hawks but I have had Arros and if you just looked at them the wrong way they would fall over. I wonder if you mass loaded them if they would be stable enough (my kids are teenagers now). Did you have yours mass loaded ?
I know this discussion is about Hawks, but if you have not heard the new Element speakers you should listen to them if possible. They are pretty spectacular.
It's one of the safest speaker to own if bad comes to worst. You'll always find parts without loosing arm and leg with ease directly from Totem.