any experience with Polymer Audio Research speaker

I just discovered the Polymer Audio webpage, and saw their recent ad in Absolute sound, but have never heard their products. Design certainly looks appealing, but wondering if others have actually heard this line, and can share opinions. They are made here in USA, in south Florida. There were comments about this brand here back in 2008, but nothing since...hummm
Tom, who are you? Based on your dramatic post, as though the speakers were so painfully bad that you experienced actual torture, it's plain to see that you are either joking or have some bizarre agenda.

Lets see:

-Best sound at the show by Absolute Sound at AXPONA
-Best sound and gold show award by Peter Bruninger, former Stereophile reviewer
-Most Significant product intorduction by Absolute Sound
- Most coveted product by Asbolute Sound, also at AXPONA
- "Here is a multiway that will make transparency-to-sources listeners swoon: ultra-refined, ultra-high-resolution, with very very lifelike timbre, texture, and dynamics on first-rate recordings, and a “disappearing act” (and soundstage) for the ages" by Jonathan Valin in his reaction to hearing them at AXPONA
- "To say that tongues were wagging about this room was a bit of an understatement." Scott Hull, Part time audiophile on AXPONA - I suppose I misunderstood, what Scott really meant I guess is that they were wagging about how it should be avoided at all cost...?
- "Hot product" by Audio Beat Magazine
- Best sound at the show (cost no object) by Robert Harley at Newport
- "Despite the gray sound that characterized most of the Hilton's ballrooms, and what may very well be their tendency to over-emphasize the midrange, the Polymers threw a wonderful, big soundstage. Myung Whun Chung's piano sounded all of one piece on his new recording for ECM New Series, which, having played this CD on multiple systems at T.H.E. Show, I consider no small achievement.", Jason Serinus, Stereophile at Newport
- rave comments in every imaginable forum and the list goes on
- the speakes have the highest resale value of any brand out there and are virtually never seen on the used market. If they are so bad and those poor folks who spent $60,000 on this product are not selling, they must really hate it right? Lets see how many Wilson's and Magico's are on Audiogon right now...

I suppose all these people above are idiots or are being secretly bribed by Polymer Audio...

Not to mention the fact that Polymer is owned by top musicians in the world and both of the shows were displayed with FM Acoustics, a very picky company that would not allow their equipment to be used with anything other than a world class speaker.

I used to own Polymer speakers and intend to buy them again when my situation permits because there is actually nothing better. It has the type of sound that produces pure magic and is a very special product. Those who have heard it in a proper set up know exactly what I mean.

To say they are not your cup of tea is one thing, but to say it was so bad you could not tolerate to be in that room is so absurd that no one can possibly take you seriously.

And Mbovaird, if this is the experience you had listening to a friends system than something is seriously wrong because the speaker actually sounds the opposite of what you describe. I encourage you to seek out a dealer with a proper set up. Although why does your friend still keep them?

And the last thing, are you serious about the YouTube video? You arejudging certain sound characteristics of these speakers by watching a YouTube video on your computer??? And even more bizarre is that the reviewer who actually filmed that video and was listening to the speakers as he was filming gave Polymer Audio best sound at the show and an award. I guess he is an idiot too and you have greater accumen judging the sound of that system through your computer speakers...
I had a similar bad experience with Polymer during the show last weekend. I really don't think the x-over is right. There was haze in between mids/woofs. Not sure what RH was smoking, but that didn't sound one iota like real music. I went and heard them on two days as a matter of fact. And obviously, it wasn't a front end problem. In fact, some of the tonality was quite nice.
btw, the MKS was 42k according to Soundstage, but 60k at the Newport Show. Hmm.
I go to many CES shows and listen to the same systems that all the guru writers listen to. I very seldom like the same rooms that they do. I never heard this speaker, but if I did and did not like it so be it I couldn't care what the press likes.
@Dweinstein, ~ I have been in this hobby for over 40 years. I attend trade-
shows, music concerts and Live Jazz, Rock, and Acoustic shows. Not that I
need to justify my opinions or credentials to a stranger.

I have owned speakers from KEF, Dynaudio, Sonus Faber, Evolution
Acoustics, TAD, Reference 3A and Vienna Acoustics. Electronics from
Audio Research, Edge, Naim, Simaudio, Jeff Rowland, Innersound, CODA,
McCormack and Tom Evans. I know what I like and I don't suffer fools.

You are welcome to your own opinions and impressions. Give the Polymer
a listen on your own. I have heard it twice. may find that it is
"not your cup of tea" either. Not every hype job turns out to be
true. Reviewers are not known for being impartial and IMO are just
audiophiles who get paid to write down their opinions. No more valid than
mine or yours. They have huge conflicts of interest and like everything they
hear or at the least have blinders on.(I am not affiliated with any brand
mentioned above). No axe to grind. BTW, many rooms with multi-thousand
dollar set-ups sounded like crap at every show I have been to. (20% +|- get
it right!)

P.s. You certainly went to a lot of work to criticize my post. I believe it is you
that has an agenda! I just answered the guys question. My prerogative!
Thanks for the beat down, sorry you got your panties in a twist!

"Who are u?" LOL:>) arrogant, classless, twit.