grills or no grills on your speakers..matters?

Yeah, I am asking again.
I leave them off because they look better.
I am not totally convinced they sound better.

What you wise sages think?
I use a pair of Silverline Preludes with grills off, but the sound is still pretty good with them on (parties, fear of driver poking). I have a beef with much of the speaker design world in that some drivers are very fragile and can be easily dented...Magico happy would you be if some party goer stuck their finger in that tweeter? My Preludes have screens over the tweets so I worry less, but still...some protection for these things seems appropriate and should be designed in somehow without sonic penalties.
Just removed mine this evening for the first time in a long time to see if there was a difference. No difference in the sound quality. Leaving them on to keep the dust off the drivers.
I keep the tops off and the bottoms on now while listening. Wilson Witt series II. The Lipinski L707's were always run with the grills off. They don't even cover the tweeters on their speakers. I run an Orick Air Purifier to keep the dust down in the listening room.
Wolf-Garcia, I believe my Preludes do better than any other speakers I've owned with grills on.