Revel F208s vs Cremona M vs B&W 803/804 D

5.1 setup
Marantz AV 7005 preamp
Parasound A51 amp (5x250)
Room: 15' x 30', hardwood floors with rug

I am debating between the F208s versus others. Revel dealers in my area claim that the F208s are a superb value for the money, $5,000. My favorite speaker out of these is the BMW 803 diamond - but it may be a bit much for my space and costs $10k. The 804 diamond may be good enough, but it still goes for around $7.5k. The Cremona Ms are hard to find in Graphite and would run $6k used. It's hard to find the B&Ws used on audiogon as they are tie till relatively new.

What do you guys think? The F208s are a great value, but have dull looks and I can't get over the fact that they are assembled in Indonesia.

Any input or advice would be helpful.

Thanks guys.
@ Aman4kr4, Hi, I wanted to know why you are afraid of getting a brand like JBL?, many audiophiles have no idea that JBL makes a more exspensive, and a whole lot better performing speaker than Revel ever dreamed of, The JBL Everest dd67000 speaker model is over $70,000.00!, then JBL has a heritage that is legendary, been around longer than most brands out there, Revel is a good speaker, I like them, However, I assure you Revel is the back seat compaired to JBL in the Harmon industries corporation's vehicle!
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@ Bob_Reynolds, Hi, No dis-respect toward Revel, I said I like them, what you posted is true, JBL makes many products that are far less exspensive, then again, re-read my post, JBL also makes products far more exspensive than Revel!, as a matter of fact, JBL has three seperate companies, one for pro-audio, one for mass produced mid-fi, and finally, but not least, a company that does not share their products on the common JBL internet site, It is a specialized company with their own site that only sales the exotic JBL designs, this company only targets the high-end consumer, This is all your evidence!, Bing or google JBL Everest dd67000, their you will find many models to support my claim, this is a seperate company, with a seperate internet site, The JBL extreme High-end!
Aman, let me be a spoiler of sorts. There's currently an A'gon auction running for a pair of Paradigm Tributes. The current bid is around $3K+, but the reserve has not been met.

I heard the Tributes last year at a dealer while comparing an A'gon favorite brand (X). The Tributes were being driven by an ARC VS-115 tube amp and sounded SPECTACULAR! They cleaned the floor up with brand X. IMO of course.

I own the Paradigm S8s (v3) and think the Tributes sound almost as good as the S8s. Check Paradigm's web site for a review of the Tributes. I generally agree with the reviewer's comments and observations based on my experiences with the S8s and comparing the Tributes with brand X.

This is a gorgeous++ looking and sounding speaker. Sure wish there were more B&M stores that carried a lot of different speaker brands. Buying expensive gear is a tough job.

Anyway, sorry to shift the discussion, but maybe other members will weigh in with some helpful observations about the Tributes and Paradigm's Signature line.

Good luck.


How would you describe the sound of the signature 8s? I'm looking to replace my F208s with something below 10K. I'm looking for a neutral speaker that has good imaging and depth.