Revel F208s vs Cremona M vs B&W 803/804 D

5.1 setup
Marantz AV 7005 preamp
Parasound A51 amp (5x250)
Room: 15' x 30', hardwood floors with rug

I am debating between the F208s versus others. Revel dealers in my area claim that the F208s are a superb value for the money, $5,000. My favorite speaker out of these is the BMW 803 diamond - but it may be a bit much for my space and costs $10k. The 804 diamond may be good enough, but it still goes for around $7.5k. The Cremona Ms are hard to find in Graphite and would run $6k used. It's hard to find the B&Ws used on audiogon as they are tie till relatively new.

What do you guys think? The F208s are a great value, but have dull looks and I can't get over the fact that they are assembled in Indonesia.

Any input or advice would be helpful.

Thanks guys.
Aman ... kudos on your hard work. You have much more patience than me.

I would appreciate reading your reactions if you get around to checking out the Paradigm S8s. One reviewer with whom I have traded e mails some time ago thought the S8s and Revel Studio 2s share a similar sound. He referred to it as a Canadian sound of sorts, reasoning that Revel and Paradigm have access to the Canadian NRC research data and test facilities. For that reason, he surmised that the two speakers might be voiced similarly -- at least to him.

Must say though, I'm a tad surprised reading your reactions about the Revels. Other members have posted superlative comments over the years. But I 100% respect your opinion. Beyond a certain point, picking gear is a very subjective enterprise.

Looking forward to reading your future posts.


@ Aman4kr4, Hi, well I see you have tast saying what you have with the JBL array 1400 speakers, I would like to know your best buget for speakers?, I looked at prices for the JBL speaker you listened to, before you buy, make sure all is legit, this is the same with alot of high-end, I say this because, I seen where you can buy the array 1400 for under $5,000.00, sounds to good to be true to me, as you know, this speaker retails for $12,000.00, and worth it!, you can e-mail me where I seen this, and the both of us can investagate this sale.
@ Bob_renolds, Hi, Very funny post you have here!, your explanation is way off mark at what I am totally saying here, first off, The JBL Everest dd67000 speakers is a brand new model that suprecedes the previous Everest dd66000 just in the last 4 or 6 months ago, The new model JBL Everest dd67000 speakers out perform speakers that cost more and less money than what they cost,these are a whoping $70,000.00 retail!, Now I will get real, A lessor model JBL like the new model k2 s9900 speakers that cost less than the everest are in some ways as good, this model is way, way more performance than Revels best, these two are the best models from JBL now, then the next two models down are better than any revel speakers too, I believe you should research what I am saying, look at the awards and etc... and how they are made and the specs, which are by the way, measured in a special absolute quite room, The best way to know, is go and listen for your self, that way, you will never forget what I said about the performance between the Revels and JBL speakers.
I personally have to disagree with the comments about JBL Everest outperforming Revel's top lines. I come from a background of pro audio and JBL is pretty well respected in this space, though by no means "the best". Not even close. Nevertheless, there are clearly good engineers at JBL.

However, I have also heard too many of JBLs home speakers which, while exciting to listen to, are far from the accuracy and musicality of Revel's. Price has little to do with how well a speaker performs. I've heard the Everest and I thought it laughably bad for the price and handily outperformed by the Salon 2.

Why is it expensive? Because it can be. It has a big voice, and a big, nicely finished cabinet. There are many who will be seduced by the JBL name and, not knowing any better, will be impressed by the big and easy sound. Is it full range? Yes. Can it play loudly? Yep. Does it sound like a movie theater? Check. Do I want it in my living room? Nope.

Only my $.02 of course. Clearly some posters in this thread will disagree strongly though I hope they're not offended. My ears (and only my opinion) suggest you will do much better with Revels top of the line than with JBL.
@ Bob_Rynolds, I also wanted to add from my last post, I am done here explaning real world facts between JBL and Revel to you, you believe what you want, you have not once produced evidence that Revels speakers sound better than JBL speakers, I have produced many facts, not opinions!, I have better things to do than to try to convince somebody the sky is blue and you say it is green!, whatever!