Your favorite musical non fatiguing speakers?

I've been auditioning speakers in the $5k to $8k range. I liked some of the Dynaudio, Sonus Faber, and even B&Ws in that range. Maybe it was the setup but in the back of my mind thought all of these could sound exciting but also fatiguing long term. And I'd hate to spend that kind of doe with that being the case.

I'm looking to use a solid state Cary amp and the tubed Cary SLP 05 pre for electronics FWIW.

From other threads I'm hearing Proacs Joseph Audio Aerials Harbeth and others may fit the bill. What are your favorite speakers for musicality and lack of listening fatigue? I'll be traveling to the next state to audition more next week.
They are grossly overpriced, and grossly technically deficient. Tiny gauge for lots of money, ringing cables.
Almost "Listener Fatigue" comes from your room acoustics. Sound travels approximately 1000 feet per second. The length of your room is 15ft~30ft. Sound waves from speakers bounce off walls 15~20 times before waves lose their acoustic energy. The listener hears 15-20 times more reflected sounds from walls and ceiling than direct sounds from speakers. Our brain and ears have to process 15-20 times more information than it needs to. Our brain becomes tired very quickly with so much acoustic information. Continuous echo sounds hurt your ears too.

Another reason for the listener fatigue is the speaker cabinet. Rigid speaker cabinet reduces unnecessary sound with music. Too rigid cabinet is not always good because the sound becomes analytic and not musical. A good speaker has internal speaker bracing strategically to make musical sound. The speaker designer has to refine the speaker with the trial and error process. It take years to make great speakers.

Is well designed speaker good in your home? Do you believe the speaker company is designing their speakers in your home environment?

The best way to control room acoustic is stop the sound before it reaches walls and ceiling. Or minimize it. Control the sound at the core of the sound source. The soundwave guide right in front of a speaker driver is a good way to control the room acoustic. That is a horn! Many people hate the sound of horn. There is a horn without the horn sound.

If the sound from a speaker is reached a wall and bounced back. The direction of sound is inward to listener. The sound is confined, muddy, and colored.

If the sound doesn't reach to a wall, the direction of sound is outward which is open, clear, transparent, and uncolored.

Not many speaker (if none at all) gives us a correct and clear feedback for our acoustic experiences. If we have the clear feedback, we can improve the sound of speaker and sound system very quickly.

Wavetouch speaker has no listener fatigue. Wavetouch speaker gives you a clearest and correct feedback. Even a person with zero experience of hi-end audio can hear the difference. Wavetouch speaker is a horn speaker without the horn sound. Wavetouch speaker is developed, tested, and inspected in small (15'x22' x 8'), medium (17'x 30' x 12'), and big room (36' x 44' x 14').

Wavetouch Audio

They're in my home now. Aerial 10t. I test many records before selling and grading and play them upto whole day especially on weekends. Eeven music I don't like sounds great and no fatigue.
Wavetouch, what a load of horse _ _ _ _ you are spinning.

This includes the "almost all listener fatigue comes from your room acoustics".

Most listener fatigue comes distortion in the chain including speakers. That you have supposedly produced a speaker that has "no listener fatigue" is a claim so huge as well as dogmatic as to lose any credibility you were looking for.