Your favorite musical non fatiguing speakers?

I've been auditioning speakers in the $5k to $8k range. I liked some of the Dynaudio, Sonus Faber, and even B&Ws in that range. Maybe it was the setup but in the back of my mind thought all of these could sound exciting but also fatiguing long term. And I'd hate to spend that kind of doe with that being the case.

I'm looking to use a solid state Cary amp and the tubed Cary SLP 05 pre for electronics FWIW.

From other threads I'm hearing Proacs Joseph Audio Aerials Harbeth and others may fit the bill. What are your favorite speakers for musicality and lack of listening fatigue? I'll be traveling to the next state to audition more next week.
I used Stealth Metacarbon and Indra interconnects with the Hybrid MLT speaker cable. I also had 5 Dream power cords, though I never got a chance to try the Dream speaker cable. All are very fast and articulate like Nordost, but did not sound as thin as the Nordost to me.
I have a pair of Vienna Acoustics Strauss, they are wonderfully non-fatiguing. Warm, reasonably defined, but simply too warm--dark to me-- to get me excited. I love them, but just not enough.....sadly.
Thanks for the kind words Larry. Glad your enjoying the Verity’s as much as I did! Now if I can just get my new Wilson Alexia”s broken-in!