Verity vs B&W

Hello, I am considering getting a pair of Verity Parisfal, which I know very well since a friend of mine has them. I recently listened to a pair of B&W 803D, which sounded pretty good to my ears, but it was a very short listening session. Does anyone know both these speakers? Which one is best and in what areas? The price is roughly the same on the used market. Thank you.
I know them both very well, my local dealer handled both Verity and B&W. I spent most of my time comparing the 802D and Parsifal Encore, this was the 802D before the most recent version but did have the diamond tweeter. the B&W is very impressive from the start, great detail, air, soundstage and bass. The verity a little bit more reserved, more mid range detail. I had more, "My God that was beautiful" moments with the Verity. I also found the Verity's more enjoyable after a few hrs of listening, the 802's would start to wear on me. Another thing, I did upgrade my Parsifal Encores to the new aluminum damping plate and jumpers. Small but noticeable improvement in clarity. Then more recently put on Stillpoint Ultra SS. WOW, all that I love about the Verity's with more detail and extended treble, much more definition at all levels and tighter bass. The Stillpoints required some repositioning as they really changed the sound and behavior of the speaker. I moved them farther apart and a little further out in the room and things improved again. I am very very happy with the Encores, ( I did buy them over the B&W many years ago ). I am so happy since the addition of the Stillpoints a few months ago that my thought of new speakers is gone and I will send them in to Verity in a few years to test all cross over parts, drivers etc, recondition with new grill style and keep them another 10-15 years.
B&W's usually sound good when you first hear them, but the tweeter's usually wear you down over time; diamond or aluminum. Not every one feels that way, but if you can't get a really good, long demo, just to be sure, I would pass. Do you like the sound of the Verity? I assume you do, but you don't say.
Oh yes, I really like the sound of the Verity. What impressed me the most was its ability to recreate the venue of the other words, they image like crazy. I have to say that your two comments confirm what others had told me about B&W's. In fact, I am also considering a pair of Sonus Faber Amati...on the used market they go for more money but the only time I listened to them I found them to be pretty impressive...although one has a hard time disentangling sheer physical beauty and sound quality. They are so superior to anything else as an object that that might bias your listening experience.