Monitors that compete with quality floorstanders??

Like to know if there is a monitor, (even a larger monitor than bookshelf) that can compete with high quality floor standers across the board. I realize that bass response will always be problematic, for example, one 6 inch woofer in a monitor versus two or three 5 inch woofers in a floor stander which will produce better bass, and upper midrange

I could spend $2500-$2700 for such a monitor and stands used or new. I am not particularly interested in using a subwoofer. Smoothness, wide soundstaging, precise imaging and overall musicality are very important characteristics of such a "monitor" Thanks
Part Time Audiophile raves about Sjofn speakers

I paid 1150.00 with stands ( cherry finish) here about 4 years ago. I see fewer of these here and at AA and ACircle than i did 3-4 years ago but they are out there.
What would a monitors frequency response have to be in order for it to be considered in competition with a floor stander?
The Sjofn (the clue) claims to measure from 28-33Hz to 42KHz - that more than competes with most floor-standers.
Simao mentioned the Part Time Audiophile review of (the clue), and I've found him to be a pretty straight shooter although I'll say our tastes are probably similar since I love the JA Pulsars (and all JA speakers) as well. Also read the Positive Feedback review if you haven't. Having heard (the clue) in person I can personally vouch that he's not exaggerating and pretty much heard the same things I heard.

As for your prior comment on picky room placement, I'd kinda disagree there. Yes, you need to place the speakers 2" from the wall with a specific toe-in and distance to the speakers. But how nice is it that a lot of the work has already been done for you and that you can just follow a known formula and pretty much be done with it? And how nice is it that you don't have to spend weeks or months fiddling with moving speakers around and that you don't need to have the speakers 4 or 5 feet into the room to sound balanced and image well? I'm not a fan of speakers up against a wall and mine are a good 6 feet into my room, but (the clue) really changed my perspective on that given what I heard.

Lastly, if you don't live near a Sjofn dealer I think you can get a 30-day trial at home, so what the hell? And if you live near a dealer have them let you demo at home. If they're anywhere near as good as what I heard I doubt you'd return them. And no, I have no affiliation with this company at all. Still just flabbergasted by what I heard in NYC that day. Just surreal. By the way, I'm also a very big Ref 3A fan and may even own a pair one day, but I just don't see their smaller monitors (or any that I can think of) doing the extraordinary bass thing I heard out of (the clue)s if that's an important consideration. Hope this helps (again) and best of luck (again).