best match power amp for Acoustic Research AR 3

My first treat for wise advice on Audiogon...

Week ago i have found a pair of speaker Acoustic Research AR 3 for $10 cad!!! At my local thrift store and they work very well.And i complely FALL IN LOVE with this A&R AR 3 speaker.

I cry went i first connect them to my system for $10? Listen to All my favorite cd.The sound with them is a real AMAZING delight.

I understand now why they request $1500/average us on ebay....

Now they are drive by a Technics SU-V60 with Cardas F7 PC
a Sony DVP-S7700 and a Technics ST-7300 tuner. Also i use
Angstrom ref floor as Technics has A+B speaker connection.

My question is what will be the best match power amp for the Acoustic Research AR 3??? I had a Meridian 565 pre-pro
i will use as pream connected by digital cable to the Sony
DVP-S7700 as source. I love dance/rock music but also classical.

I really want to build a high-end system base on this A&R
Ar 3 and i plan to keep them ALL MY LIFE!!!

I'm a musicien with good ear and music is a REAL PASSION
for me as most of you. My budget is $500/1000 as i just start to work and has a chance to buy a Rotel RB 2000 vintage power amp. I need your advice on modern of vintage
power amp. Thank you to share your time...
The design of the AR-3 required a lot of power. I think around 150wpc would be about right and they will take more.
Thank you Russ69 i appreciate your answer. As i got the
opportunity to buy a Rotel RB 2000 who is 120wpc into
8 OHM and 140 wpc 4 OHM A&R ar3 are 4 OHM... I give me
4 week before to buy an used power amp so that give me
time to find a good digital cable and IC. I'm patient
so my buy will be the expression of my reflexion and
advise from other. Audio is a wonderfull hobby from
vintage Gibson guitar to high-end discovery of keep
secret best equipement...Where the good are not always
the most expensive.