Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.
"06-06-14: Bo1972
Naim has a different focus on sounds and image compared to highend brands like Pass Labs. It is another world. I don't say that you cannot enjoy it.

This is a matter of taste, but I have listend often to Naim equipment with other speakers as well.

The image is still a lot different, less intimate en less precise."

I don't think you understood my post on Naim. lol. Not to offend anyone who likes Naim, but for me it wasn't that good. I know people like it because it has the PRAT qualities that the British gear is known for, but there is other equipment that can give you that, plus a lot more in other areas.

"06-07-14: Freesoulbg
I just got "The Complete Guide to High-End Audio" by Rober Harley and will read it.
I would appriciate if anyone can comment on:
"Any suggestions about my old Creative Gigawors S750 - the build in amp was class D, I think the speakers are still good to use with an nice extarnal one, but what exactly? :)""

If you are looking for some good info to read on audio, see if you can locate some issues online for The Audioperfectonist Journal. It hasn't been published since 2009, but its still the best thing I've read on high end audio. The first 4 issues were free. Even if you can only find those, it will definitely be worth the effort. They go into great detail on things like how to set up a turntable, room acoustics, equipment matching, choosing the right gear, etc...
If you have all my knowledge and compared all the stuff I did you don't even want Naim for free in your house. For me personal it stands too far away from how music and instruments should sound and should be played physical in front of you.

I can easilly overrule their sound and quality. I have proven this more than ones.

This is not meant negative. Naim is a product on his own and different than many others. That's a good thing. I like to be different as well.

My way of working is comparing and choose that one what gives the best endresults. The rest I don't want and I don't use.

I even don't think that there is a person who does audio this way. For other competitors it is extreme difficult to set up a better and more convincing endresult than I can.

Perfectionism is synoniem to win. Audio for me is creating the best sound and crush everything else.

I love competition. But it doesn't mean that I want to win everything. When someone would be better, it is fine with me. If audio get's to a higher endresult in general. This is more important than my own benefit!
Per Bo...
"If you have all my knowledge and compared all the stuff I did you don't even want Naim for free in your house.
I can easilly overrule their sound and quality. I have proven this more than ones."

Wow, and I thought he was bad last year. He finally learned to spell "when" and he is now out of control with his posts.

Come on Bo, level with us. Do you really believe the crap you write or is all this howling simply for our entertainment? Take your above post for example. Its better than the Sunday funny pages.

Also, there is a new thread going on about REL subs. I'm surprised you haven't jumped on it. You're missing an opportunity to bash them. Don't bother to thank me.
Naim is not crap. It is a brand what dares to be different. In how it looks and how it builds a stage and how it sounds.

What I said earlier; it are my personal thoughts and opinion that it is too far away how music could sound and need to sound as in real.

There are enough people who like it. It is not up to my to say that they cannot like it. Audio Always will be a personal matter.

The stuff I use create more resolution, a wider and deeper stage, a superior realistic and intimate individual focus of instruments and voices, better blacks and a more realistic overal sound.

I let people hear my sound, and you can compare it with other kinds of sound. It is that simple.

I did not jump into that thread because REL is not a brand what is interesting enough for me anymore. They still make good subs. I sold a lot of them in the past. I want a stunning endresult.

I am only interested in those who give a better endresult and integration. This is a personal choice as well.

Another person can think differently and that is fine with me. Audiogon is a place where we discuss about audio. When we would all think the same, there would be no discussion.

In our country it is not possible to talk this open and at this level about audio. For me Audiogon is a fun place to talk about audio. Nothing more, nothing less.

These days I sell Purist only cause of information and idea's of people here on Audiogon.

At this moment it are only words. I've said it many times; I am so much better in sound than in words.

The main reason why I am so direct is that in 16 years I have seen too much low level in endresults.

Audio is a very egoistic and hard world for those who work in it. This I really don't like. But I am still doing it because I want to raise the level in endresult in general.