For nearfield listening: which of these towers?

Totem Arro, Vienna Acoustics Bach Grand, Silverline Audio Prelude. Will be using an SS integrated without a sub in a small room. CDs only.
Thats easy, a pair of Totem Dreamcatchers, one of the best speakers ever .
Followed closely by Silverline Minuets.
Haydns seem good spec-wise, but afraid the Dreamcatchers and Minuets might be slightly too bass shy per their specs.
At this point I am actually considering DIYing a pair of single drivers utilizing Audio Nirvana's Super 6.5 Neodymium in their 1.3 small tower cabinets (32x10x10 inches; front ported). High efficiency with decent lows into the low 40's.

Anyone know thes drivers or any drivers from Common Sense Audio?
They are so good you won't even think about it, at least with Acoustical Music.
If you are considering DIY single driver, there is a world of designs out there. Don't limit yourself to just the Audio Nirvana stuff before you do some research.