Need help on speaker decisions

I have a budget of $8000 for a pair of speakers and components. So $4000 on speakers, $3000 on components and $1000 on cables. I listen to mainly vocal, rock, movie scores, jazz and R&B. I have a medium size vaulted ceiling room open to other rooms. I would appreciate for your inputs.

Recently I heard the KEF R500, LS50, Goldenear Triton 7 and 2, Monitor Audio RX6 & 8, B&W CM10, Fritz Carbon 7 SE. The best sound of those to my ears was the KEF R500 with Primaluna DiaLogue One Integrated Amp. It was clean, warm, and rich in voice. However when the R500 was paired with a Denon AV receiver, the "magic" was gone. The LS50 was also very good but I prefer a floorstand since I have kids. For the components, I really like the warmth and richness of the Primaluna tubes, not sure if I can found a solid-state with the same warmth and richness, but SS amp would be easier for future HT expension.

The following speakers are on my short-list that I have not yet audition.

1. PSB Synchrony One - heard great things about it but most likely the tube amp won't have enough juice to drive it. What would be the best SS amp to pair with PSB for musical, warm and rich sound?

2. Von Schweikert VR-33 - heard that this speaker is perfect for tubes. I checked with Albert, I will need to wait for 2-3 weeks for audition as they sold out even the demo unit recently. Also I found very few feedbacks about this speaker. How does it compare to KEF R-series, Focal or Salk? Those seem to have many people rave about it.

3. Sierra Tower with RAAL - A cheaper option that allows me to put more $$ on the components. But I may need to get a pair of subs for the bottom end and may lost the coherent in music.

4. Salk Veracity ST - No online review but on AVS people were rave about anything Salk made.

5. Tekton Seas Pendragon - People seem to love it but it may take a long time to wait for it.

6. R500 - it was great with the Primaluna tube. But I would still need to add a pair of subs for the bottom ends. The overall price would be greater than other options.

For components I am debating either tube or SS:

Tube: I love the musical presentation. The warmth and richness. But to integrate into a HT system with AV receiver can be tricky. I may buy a speaker switch between the receiver and tube integrated amp, but I could one day accidentally damage the equipment if I forgot to turn off the power before switching.

SS: More juice for the above especially the PSB and Salk both rated 4ohm. Easier for future HT expansion if I add an AV receiver for HT. However I will miss the tube sound I heard from Primaluna.

Any suggestion?

Thank you!
It appears you like a speaker capable of a high level of resolution with an extended treble. Consider a used Thiel CS 2.4 which also has usable bass below 40hz, no sub needed here. Another option is the Martin Logan Electromotion which would give you the choice of tubes or a small class A amp. Bass on the ML is claimed down to 43hz, sub(s) could be added later if you go the HT route. With the Thiel I would look into a new($2500)Wyred4Sound-STI 1000, plenty of power and a high damping factor for bass control on the 2.4. On the ML consider a used Marantz 11S2 which will soften any electrostatic edge and be up to any impedance dips in the treble.
There's nothing old fashioned about modern tube amps...they can sound amazingly clear, accurate, and capable. The added advantage over SS amps is people will think you're a better person than you actually are.
I disagree with the notion that you should tailor your amplifiers to your music preference. I run a pair of relatively exotic -- low wattage -- tube amplifiers and my music preferences mostly range from jazz to rock. The amps that I use are usually recommended for acoustic music (300b SET), but paired with the right speakers they rock with the best. I recently tested a decent solid state amplifier (140w NAD) on my 100db efficient speakers -- out of curiosity -- and found the amp to be veiled, rolled off at the extremes, and undynamic sounding in comparison to my tubes. Granted, my tube monoblocks are a lot more expensive than the solid state one that I tested, yet I doubt that a pricier solid state amp could do better than equal my tubes in a similar test. I also disagree with the notion that tube amps are unreliable and difficult to manage. I have owned my amps for a decade, they were someone elses for five years before that, and I have only had one tube go out on me. I do not know what the previous owner's listening habits were, but I listen to music for several hours every day. So, that's fifteen years with one rectifier tube going out and no damage at all to the power amp. I think that's pretty reliable.
Anybody who questions tube amp reliability should talk to any professional electric guitar player.