Sloped baffle

Some great speakers have it, some don't. Is it an important feature?
Why does so much discussion center around how "perfect" 6db per octave is? There is 90 phase shift at the crossover point and we can add on electrical and mechanical impedance changes in the drivers across their frequency range. So can't we fully expect some pretty significant deviations from "perfect phase" in the performance of any speaker, even with the first order crossover?
Next week, I'm planning to do some fact finding about the DEQX device. Short of outboard active crossovers, I'm starting to get the sense that mechanical (e.g., sloped baffles) and electrical (i.e., 1st order X-overs), at best, does rough justice. I'll be back.
Bifwynne, the DEQX unit that I have also has active crossover capability, although I do not use that feature. Unfortunately, the designer of my speakers had no interest in helping me to disengage the internal passive crossovers.
Yes, the DEQX units do seem very intriguing. And their pricing does seem very fair, as Psag indicated, especially given that they can be had with both preamp and DAC functionality.

I believe that the Trinnov Amethyst offers somewhat comparable functionality, but is way more expensive. And I believe that Trinnov's somewhat older ST2 model is significantly more expensive as well.

Lyngdorf offers a room correction processor including preamp and DAC, but it appears that its focus is just on correcting room-related frequency response issues. Also, its analog input impedance is only 10K, which would rule it out for use with some tube-based sources.

One question I would have about the DEQX products is if the company is set up to make repairs in the USA, given that they are based in Australia.

But I'd have to say that it's definitely something I'll be considering when I next feel motivated to make a major change to my system, although that won't be particularly soon. One reason it might be especially applicable in my case being that my room treatment options are very limited, since the system is in my living room.

Psag, thanks for calling DEQX to our attention.

Best regards,
-- Al
Psag ... so you say the device is inserted in between the pre amp/linestage and amp?? Well here's a little quandary I may have.

My ARC REf 5 SE linestage has to see a combined impedance of not less than 20K ohms. As currently configured, the Ref 5 sees 300K ohms off Main 1 - imput imp. of amp and 337K ohms off Main 2 - imput imp. of custom made subwoofer/impedance buffer/channel summing gizmo. The combined impedance is about 157K ohms. Well north of 20K ohms.

Any idea what the DEQX input impedance is. As you can see .. kinda important.

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