Floorstanding Speaker Feedback

Am considering a small(ish) pair of floorstanding loudspeakers and am trying to narrow the possibilities for our downsized retirement home. They will be paired with a LSA Statement integrated amp. They need to be nearly full range (30hz- ish) and need high WAF. Room is open concept, fairly large (600 sq. ft and adjacent to other rooms). Mostly jazz, classical, female/male solo voice, etc. Nothing loud nowadays. Will be replacing best speaker "system" I've owned (A heavily modded pair of Van L. Speakerworks - of Chicago - Quartets and a pair of REL T-7 subs). The short list so far are: Revel Performa F208, Dynaudio Focus 260, LSA 2.1 Statements, Usher Mini Dancer 2's and Vienna Acoustic Baby Grands. Budget is $3000-$5000. Have also considered DeVore . . . but the Orangutan o/93 are a tad outside the budget. Anyone who is familiar with any or all of these care to comment? Appreciate the feedback as I narrow my "search".
The Gershman speakers have my interest. Can anyone further describe the Sonograms and Avant Garde models? Comparisons to other speakers? Thanks.
Second the Sierra Acoustics (newer version with Raal tweeter)

Also, try to listen to some PMCs - FB1 or better yet, OB1i.
I have a set of Gershman Sonograms. They go down to 28hz, so there is plenty of bottom end. The midrange driver is a 2 inch Morel which makes female vocals most excellent. The speakers are very balanced from top to bottom. Google online reviews, they are out there. I replaced a pair of Wilson Audio Witt mk II with them and they filled the void very nicely.
Just curious, with your LSA Statement amp, why not consider the LSA statement tower speakers?

Opinion on those seem to range from good to very good.