PSB Synchrony line discontinued??

An unscientific sampling of the web suggests that the Synchrony Two was discontinued several months ago (see, for example, Crutchfield), that the dark cherry version of the Synchrony One is no longer in stock, and that the black ash model is in short supply.

Given that the Synchrony line was introduced in the fall of 2007, it's more than plausible that seven years later it could be being retired, revised or replaced, though it seems the process has been a slow or staggered one (perhaps not to undercut too severely remaining stocks).

Does anyone have info. on PSB's plans, expected roll-outs for the fall, etc.? Will there be a new flagship line?
If you have a large enough listening room, the Synch One is the speaker to get. Deep bass, lush sounding with a huge soundstage. Any shops near you to audition PSB?

BTW, a shop near me lists the T2 at $3500. And it will be interesting to see if there is a change to the top tier of spkrs.

I know you had a chance to listen to some PSB speakers. You did talk about your goals with regards to bass, but what about the highs? The aluminum tweeters PSB uses sound very different than the soft dome tweeters in your 2.5's. I was just wondering which one you prefer?
No, the PSBs were/are on my shortlist for auditioning, but I haven't heard them yet. From a lot of past experience, I'm definitely a soft dome kind of guy. I was hoping the PSBs might be on the sweeter side of some others. Also the Revel F208s.

So far I've heard CM10s, X38s, Treos, and Venere 3.0. X38s came closest with musicality, Treos definitely all the bass you could want and more. I'm looking for that chimaera that's under 5K, and combines the top end of the X38 or the 2.5, and the bass extension of the Treo. I'm 90% sure it's not out there.