critics dynaudio speakers

Hello from Canrias Islands, Yonatan call me, and I read a lot for this wonderful forum ...

My team consists of the following components;
Dynaudio Confidence C1
Threshold S / 160
Opera Consonance Cyber ​​222 MKII
EAR 834P
Pioneer DV737
Pioneer PL-550 modified
AudioQuest Slate speaker cable
Cardas RCA

well the problem is because there are people who criticize the brand saying it does not sound good, the bass is invented, the scene is not real, and its timbre is not natural ... this is what some detractors mark, I'm a little tired of saying that dynaudio sounds great, but go on and on.

Im really happy with the set, but sometimes these reviews make you doubt yourself.

the set is true with certain recordings I notice a higher than normal serious, but I do not because it does not hurt, the mids and treble are magical, great scene and that the room has only 14m ..

finally a little let me know if the brand dynaudio inflated bass and invents things, or as good as I think ...

many thanks to fellow members of this community
WOW, I cant say enough good things about Dynaudio. I have owned a pair of Contour 3.0s and they are 12 years old and I have NEVER had a problem with them! They are also the most beautiful natural cherry veneered speakers I have ever encountered in 30 years of high-fi. Also they are rated at 200 watts and I easily play 200-400 watts into them without a whimper. Dynaudio is a world class company with excellent service. I will never sell these speakers. Sound wise they are a Tour de Force when it comes to brining you the live event. the sheer power and beautiful, articulated, soundstage and natural harmonics with Imaging to die for! need I go on? This is why you don't see a lot of these speakers for sale..people keep them. If you have the Super clean power so they can open up, you will be rewarded by those awesome voice coils Dynaudio makes. I could go on and on.
Dynaudio is superb and C1s are truly world class and I should know I'm listening to a pair right now.
Dynaudio makes excellent speakers but no speaker will satisfy everyone. Most reviewers attempt to find a flaw no matter how good an audio product sounds. That's their job. Nothing's perfect after all.
Certainly nothing to lose sleep over. The important thing is that you enjoy your system.
very picky speakers to the source,can sound bland and involving if there such sounding source behind them,that's the biggest reason for sale ,not the most transperant speakers.Might sound like somebody put some clouthes on sound signature.But that is dynaudio sound signature with boxy echo .
I don't own their speakers but their drivers are used in my speakers - love 'em!