Speakers that turn your analytical mind off?

I am fortunate enough to own a wonderful pair of speakers and yet I catch myself noting how good a flute sounds or some other dissected component of the music rather than the music as a whole. When I'm in the shower and listening to sonos through our bathroom in ceiling speakers, I don't dissect the music and find it much easier to connect with the music.
For those left brained folks, have you found speakers that turn your analytical mind off and allow you to connect with the music ass a whole?
I can't speak for the OP but I assume he means not doing a speaker critique and just being able to focus on the music. For me ATC/Focal/KEF Reference/Spendor and even my Focus Audio FS8(to some degree)are box speakers(heard several models multiple times) that can achieve this. Quad/Sound Lab and the vintage Infinity IRS models are planar models that "chain" me to the music.
Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento!
I think partnered with the right electronics these can produce some really magical tones.
Even when watching a movie, I took only a few piano hits to completely transform the emotional experience.