Tube Friendly High End "Big" speakers

I've been upgrading my system from good to great. I addressed the analog front end first and now have something respectable (Brinkmann Oasis w/ Graham Phantom II Supreme, Lyra Delos, SimAudio Moon 310LP, and Acrolink 8N Reference Phono Cable.

The system is being driven by a PrimaLuna Premium Dialogue Integrated and the speakers are Opera Seconda's in a smallish dedicated listening room. I'm moving into a much larger house, but will no longer have a dedicated listening room.

The room is 21.5' x 14.5' with lots of big windows and a high v-shaped vaulted ceiling which I'll treat with GIK acoustic panels. Not looking on advice on the room. It is what it is. Just giving a bit of info since I suspect it will be on the lively side. Here's a video. The room starts around the 2:10 mark:

I'm looking to upgrade the Opera's. I really want a "big" speaker, something that will move some air and pressurize a room like this. My preference is for something tube friendly and I'll likely need to use my PrimaLuna for at least a few months. Not really interested in horns though.

I'm looking for a very 3D soundstage that's velvety smooth. Detail is great, but definitely nothing fatiguing as I tend to listen at higher volumes for extended periods. While I do listen to a lot of Classic Rock and Jazz, I also listen to a lot of more modern music. I want something that isn't going to make this stuff sound terrible.

I'm planning to buy used, so anything that retails up to $55-60K might be doable. TAD and Focal are on my radar right now, but it's difficult to read between the lines from reviewers to understand what will work.

Which speakers should I be considering?
@Atmasphere - The Classic Audio T 1.4 Reference looks like a good possibility. I go back and forth between wanting an old school SET system and something much more modern like TAD or Focal.

Not sure if Classic Audio has a dealer in the Bay Area or not. Don't see a dealer locator on their site. Never heard their speakers before, so not sure about their sound. I'll dig around. Thanks for the suggestion.
I have heard the Acoustic Zen Crescendo on three separate occasions driven by 50 watt PSET amplifiers and the sound in a fairly large room was excellent. The Audiokinesis Dream Maker is very interesting given its design. A 16 ohm speaker load is a gift for amplifiers(cruise along nice and easy). I would imagine that this speaker sounds exceptional with a good quality tube amplifier.
@Atmasphere - Just watched a video review of the Classic Audio's. Holy cow those are big. They might be too big for my room. I think they'd totally dominate it and they appear tall enough that they'd severely limit the view, which is kinda the best part of the house.

My big concern, based solely on my experience with the DeVore O/96's mind you, is that they sound great on less complex music, but not very good on more modern stuff as I noted above.

It seems that the guys who are really into SET speakers tend to also be really into jazz and vocalists, so it makes their reviews harder for me to know if this speaker will be good for my other tastes. Hmmm...

10-01-14: Branislav
Acoustic Zen Crescendo...and laugh all the way to the bank :-)
Here's Dick Olsher's review of the Crescendo in Absolute Sound.

Not only could he drive it with tubes, he got particularly good results with Triode Corporation M845SE SET monoblocks. According to his measurements and component matching, the Crescendos present a benign impedance curve for tube amps.
I have Zu Def 4s in a space larger than yours, and they definitely pressurize the room. They are positioned on the long wall of the 22 x 15 x 16 (high) living room, but that living room is one end of a 45 x 22 x 16 (high) volume. That said, with your budget you could consider the Zu Dominance.